Product Brief

Business Intelligence (BI) Connect

Stylized image of the Business Intelligence Connect quick guide

Power your BI tools with more accurate data for next-level reporting

In 2020, the business intelligence software market reached $20 billion. Despite the substantial investments made, wide usage of these tools has been slow, with many enterprises not realizing the full potential of their BI capabilities.

There are a few common issues hindering user adoption of BI tools:

  • Hard to access data spread across separate systems

  • Outdated IT infrastructure making data integration expensive

  • Heavy pressure on understaffed IT teams to pull the underlying data assets together in a usable form for BI tools

  • Lack of trust in the accuracy of the underlying data (since BI tools do not solve data integration and data accuracy problems)

BI tools function at their best when data is collected in a single easy-to-access location and cleansed for accuracy. When the data has had the chance to go through a separate identity resolution process, and is then assembled into a comprehensive Customer 360, the BI platform can accurately identify each customer, rather than trying to work with customer data scattered into silos.

Amperity powers optimal use of BI tools by stitching together scattered customer identities with inconsistent PII data and no linking keys into stable records, then aggregating data about each customer into a comprehensive Customer 360 data asset. After the data asset is created, Amperity Business Intelligence Connect links seamlessly with your preferred BI tools to power advanced analysis of the data. Supported BI tools include Tableau, Looker (Google Cloud), Domo, Qlik, Microsoft PowerBI, Amazon QuickSight, Oracle Business Analytics, and SAP Business Objects.

With Business Intelligence Connect, BI tools run on the most accurate and complete customer data, allowing brands to make better decisions and to finally access the full value of their BI investments.

Download the product brief to learn more about BI Connect features and functionality.

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