
Request for Proposal Guide

Cover image of the guide Amperity Request for Proposal (RFP) Guide

How to Shop for a Customer Data Cloud

Discover a framework to find the right Customer Data Cloud (CDC) for your business, designed to help you identify benefits and focus on crucial criteria — download now to kickstart your CDC search.

In the guide you’ll find:

  1. Four key benefits: If a CDC doesn't align with these four benefits, it may not be the right fit for your business.

  2. Capability themes: Explore the capabilities needed to achieve the key benefits, organized into distinct themes to help structure your evaluation process.

  3. Turnkey RFP Template: 150+ sample questions organized by theme to help you start your RFP process with confidence. 

With a well-structured and researched RFP, you’ll be one step closer to turning your data into a competitive advantage.

Download the RFP Guide now.

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