January 13, 2022 | 3 min read

5 Crucial Customer Data Articles to Kick Off 2022

In the constantly evolving world of consumer business and tech, it's essential to stay up to speed.

Yellow blue, and orange boxes on a gray background, with lines and nodes signaling acceleration

Consumer business and the tech that supports it is constantly in a state of flux. And what’s the best way to stay on top of any emerging trends? Doing your research. Of course, that takes time that not everyone has. 

To get 2022 started on the right foot, we’ve scoured the web to find the best recent articles and posts touching on digital transformation and putting the customer at the center of the business. The ones we’ve compiled below for you (along with accompanying summaries) specifically speak to the tools that companies need to understand customers, and how to build powerful strategies based on that knowledge. 

The Six Must-haves to Achieve Breakthrough Growth in E-commerce D2C McKinsey / December 2021

E-commerce continues to grow, and companies need to adapt or get left behind. For brands that want to achieve breakthrough growth, building a direct relationship with customers is vital. McKinsey identifies the six must-haves for companies to achieve success, including shifting mindsets, adapting to culture as it changes, and the technological capabilities needed.

Performance and Innovation Are the Rewards of Digital Transformation BCG / December 2021

Everyone knows that a thriving digital transformation leads to good things, namely an increase in profits and more sophisticated strategies. But plenty of companies don’t feel like they’re getting it right — this research-based report from BCG breaks down transformation results by sector and whether or not there’s proof that digital transformation truly delivers results. Check out the interactive charts that show stats by vertical. 

A Lean Startup’s Growth Marketing Tech Stack TechCrunch / November 2021

For any brand to flourish, they need the right tools to engage their customers. TechCrunch lines up the capabilities a business needs, starting with a Customer Data Platform as the engine to power it all — the author specifically calls out lean startups to show what the ingredients are at the most stripped-down level, but the information applies to larger companies as well. Editor’s note: The author cites Segment as an example of a CDP, but there are many to choose from. We’re partial to Amperity ;)

Reinforcing First-Party Data Strategies is Essential for Securing Consumers’ Loyalty MarTech Series / January 2022

Every marketer is aware of the coming demise of third-party cookies, but may not be sure what to do to prepare, especially as we’ve been hearing about this for some time now but the situation continues to develop This article from MarTech clearly lays out an up-to-date case of why building a strong first-party data foundation is the key to forging stronger, more lasting customer relationships. 

Fjord Trends 2022: The New Fabric of Life Accenture / January 2022

After two chaotic years of on-again off-again living with a pandemic, there have been massive changes not only digitally but emotionally. The ongoing stress has led to a rise in empathy and prioritizing self-care. Tech can only do so much — Accenture breaks down why businesses need to respond to customers’ shifting wants and needs and the importance of having flexible customer records. 

Are you eager to power up your use of customer data? Get in touch.