September 28, 2021 | 6 min read

Amperity 4.0 Solves Three Challenges Brands Will Face

Upgrades in Amperity 4.0 power personalization at scale, cloud-data management, and a first-party data strategy

Amperity 4.0

The last eighteen months have been a whirlwind. We've seen global economies turned upside down and every business has faced new challenges. Some of these trends have been short lived, but others persist beyond the great reopening and into our new normal. For consumer brands looking to use a Customer Data Platform to understand and connect with their customers, we have seen these challenges manifest in three key areas:

  • Rising consumer expectations for real-time personalization at scale

  • Explosion of solutions for privacy-first cloud data management and governance 

  • Transition to a future without the third-party cookie 

Amperity has been hard at work helping the brands we serve overcome these challenges and use the shifts in consumer behavior as springboards for strategic growth. Here are a few words from Chris Jones, Amperity’s Chief Product Officer, on how we are innovating to meet these needs. 

Real-time personalization at scale

Customers expect personalization wherever and whenever they engage with a brand, whether that’s online, in a call center, on a mobile app, or in-store. What's more, they expect that customization to happen seamlessly, without having to wait around for the brand to access their information.

But it’s difficult for brands to make the switch from single channel to omnichannel personalization, given the complexity of scaling content, insights, and intelligence across the enterprise — let alone doing it with the speed to make it personal in the moment.

Moving forward, brands need to be able to use customer insights, predictions, and data wherever they are needed to enable personalization. This isn’t just for marketing, either — it’s every system, channel, team, and process that touches the customer.

Privacy-first cloud data management 

Customer data is the ultimate catalyst for customer-centric decision making that drives growth, retention, and loyalty. The brands that are getting the most out of their data are all moving towards cloud data management for the scale and speed it promises.

It’s not one-size-fits-all, though. When moving your customer data to a CDP in the cloud, it’s important to consider the different governance, access, and performance needs of the various data stakeholders in your business.

The right solution improves business agility, equips teams with the insights to make better decisions, and maximizes existing investments in data and technology.

Death of the third-party cookie 

The third party cookie is going away, which will change the way brands identify and reach consumers. Not being able to rely on third-party data means that brands need to expand their first-party data strategy and take control of the customer relationship by using what they know about their customers more effectively. 

They need the technological capability to make the most of first-party data and expert partners — like Throtle, Infutor, Liveramp, Neustar, and Amperity — to guide them through the process. 

These emerging challenges are broad and sweeping, but there are some consistent truths in the best way to solve them. First and foremost, brands must be able to accurately identify, understand, and connect with their customers. That’s the heart of Amperity. On top of that foundation we built new capabilities and features to help brands handle new considerations like the sunset of the third-party cookie, the ever increasing consumer demand for real-time, personalized experiences, and employees’ desire to collaborate more effectively on enterprise-wide data initiatives with easy to use technology.