July 13, 2021 | 5 min read

Amped Up: Announcing Amperity’s $100M Series D Financing

A new day for Amperity

Amperity logo on a stylized background

Today we announced $100M in new financing, valuing Amperity at more than a billion dollars. Previous rounds of fundraising were noteworthy, but this one feels different. There is something incredible happening at our company right now — a heady blend of people, customers, and an unmet market need building such powerful momentum that it’s hard to put into words. With this fresh capital, we’ve been given the opportunity to take bolder strides toward the future we have long envisioned.

The core idea for Amperity started with a deep desire to solve a challenge that had stumped consumer businesses for decades: knowing the customer. When my co-founder Derek and I first started interviewing consumer brand leaders in 2016 to find out more about this problem, we were struck by their commitment and passion when it came to serving their customers. The challenge was, the tools did not exist that would allow them to unleash their creative energy and create the experiences that they knew would delight consumers and move the business metrics that matter. The data they needed to develop consumer insight was gathering dust in silos spread across the company, creating tremendous frustration both for them and their consumers.

Recognizing this problem and the complex technical issues surrounding it was the beginning of our journey. Those first few years of big, gnarly invention were fraught with obstacles, but the unmatched commitment of this team pulled us through. The talent and persistence of the people of Amperity not only allowed us to build a unique technology, it served as the cultural foundation for the hundreds of people that have since worked to build Amperity, brick by digital brick. The flywheel of invention is alive and well here, with six issued patents and several more in the pipeline. Our incredible community of Ampers continues to advance our core technology, develop rich tooling around it, and ensure that we can bring it to life for customers quickly, efficiently, and in a way that solves real business challenges, today. These are the smartest, most dedicated, most authentic people I’ve ever known, and I’m honored to work alongside them. Building Amperity with all of you is a gift beyond words.

I’m profoundly thankful to our community of customers, including our earliest customers and the 100+ other great brands that have joined them since. Their acknowledgment of the data problem and their audacity in stepping up to solve it is a testament to their vision and leadership. We’re constantly inspired by their commitment to continued innovation for consumers, and we are humbled by the trust they put in our partnership. This partnership and our continuous innovation together is the fuel that makes Amperity run. I could not be more excited to have even more resources and scale to put to work in service of our customers.

The core idea for Amperity started with a deep desire to solve a challenge that had stumped consumer businesses for decades: knowing the customer.

Finally, I would be remiss to not express my gratitude for the absolutely incredible people we have around the table. Our Board of Directors is deeply engaged, always pushing our thinking in ways that create better outcomes and a lot more fun. Our investors join our Board in being staunch advocates of the company, spreading the word about Amperity and sharing our incredible customer stories every chance they get. And of course our partners, who have been so integral in helping us scale Amperity by developing joint solutions and offerings that create great outcomes for our shared customers.

This leap forward for Amperity comes at a rare moment of urgency and opportunity for the brands we serve. The economic pressures of the pandemic made knowing customers a matter of survival for businesses, and the impending retirement of third-party cookies is about to fundamentally change the way customer communication works. It’s more important than ever for brands to be able to manage their data and turn it into the kinds of hyper-personalized experiences that speak to their consumers — and I’m happy to say that Amperity is in the strongest position to enable that.

We have found the formula to solve a decades-old problem that kept countless consumer businesses from reaching their true potential. Seeing our team partner so effectively with customers and create real value is like magic — and now we’re bottling that up and shipping it out far and wide.

We will continue to learn, build, and grow so we can support this vision. We’ve done so much in just a few years, and we’re ready for more. For those who are already a part of our community of customers, partners, and friends, we’re honored to have you with us on this journey; and for those who aren’t yet, we invite you to join, because we really are just getting started. 

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