December 1, 2021 | 5 min read

Customer Spotlight: Kris K. from a global distribution enterprise

Kris K. is using Amperity at an international gift distribution enterprise to spread holiday cheer.

Amplifiers Spotlight: Kris K, CEO of an International Gift Distribution Enterprise

It’s time for a holiday-edition customer spotlight! The coolest part of our jobs is learning about the amazing things our Amperity users do with data.

Kris in five: 

  • CEO of an anonymous international gift distribution enterprise

  • Works with a range of teams across the organization

  • His favorite Amperity feature is being able to track user behavior in real-time

  • With Amperity, Kris is able to access accurate data and finish work faster than ever 

  • Loves hanging with the reindeer and drinking eggnog with his wife

What are you responsible for as CEO?

I’m in charge of keeping track of billions of customer records. I’m also responsible for checking over the lists that my teams create to make sure all details are correct prior to our busiest gift giving season. 

What teams do you work with or support? What does this entail?

I work with a wide variety of teams— holly jolly marketers, data elve-valuators, and caroling success representatives. I’m really focused on enhancing our customer experiences, and checking that our insights are accurate and up to date so that there are no more grinchy mishaps.  

Has your use of Amperity changed how you get work done?

It has completely transformed the speed at which we’re able to compile lists, and our confidence in their accuracy. Prior to Amperity I used to have to check every single list twice just to be sure the details were in order, and even then we sometimes weren’t even certain... I’ve got millions of customers named Sally in the US market alone — don’t even get me started on how many Sallys there are globally! 

"It has completely transformed the speed at which we’re able to compile lists, and our confidence in their accuracy. Prior to Amperity I used to have to check every single list twice just to be sure the details were in order, and even then we sometimes weren’t even certain..."

What led you to initially invest in Amperity? 

Our lists just couldn’t keep up with how quickly customer information changed. For example, the Stevenson family had lived in Detroit their whole lives, but one year they moved to Bermuda! We hadn’t updated our lists, so I showed up at their house in Detroit with bags of gifts with no one to give them to, and the Stevensons didn’t receive any holiday joy. I NEVER want that to happen again! 

How does Amperity fit into your current techstack?

I love the integration Amperity has with Snowflake. It's a very powerful combination, but I have to admit, I first chose it because the name is very on-brand for us. Oh, we've got lots of connections to all kinds of great tools. The Amperity team used to talk about piping data in and out, and when I had a hard time understanding, they put it in terms of chimneys instead. Very considerate!

What’s the coolest thing you’ve been able to do with data?

It used to take months to put lists together for our annual gifting extravaganza, but with Amperity we were able to compile those lists much faster, and we can access them in just seconds! That frees up time for the elves and I to focus on other things, like boosting the quality of our gifts. We recently developed a type of ball that works for football, basketball, and cricket! 

What is your favorite feature or capability in Amperity and what do you use it for? 

By far my favorite feature has got to be the ability to track in real-time when someone’s status changes from “Naughty” to “Nice.” I’m also quite fond of the householding capabilities because they’ve helped me plan my delivery routes much more efficiently. My Director of Transportation, Rudolph, is a real stickler for delivery accuracy, so he’s pretty pumped about this too. 

Tell us about a hobby or something that you like to spend time doing outside of work. 

I really enjoy watching MME (Mixed Martial Elf) fights, taking the reindeer down to see the penguins, and going eggnog tasting out in the tree farms with Mrs. K. 

To learn more about the results Kris K. is seeing with Amperity and see a special video interview, head to our customer page