May 6, 2021 | 3 min read

Amperity 3.5: Omnichannel Personalization and More

Amperity 3.5 brings new features, integrations and better performance to an already powerful Customer Data Platform

Graphic of light beaming from neon teal grid with words "3.5"

May 6, 2021 - Today, Amperity launches version 3.5, the next major update to our Customer Data Platform, with new features to help enterprise consumer brands turn first-party data into differentiated customer experiences and strong business results. This release includes improved self-service usability for IT professionals and analysts, as well as powerful new marketing capabilities and integrations that unlock additional personalization use cases.

“These upgrades bring a wave of new value for our customers who are navigating multiple shifts at the same time — re-opening and planning their business post-covid, accelerating their personalization initiatives to maximize effectiveness, and the upcoming elimination of third-party cookies driving a shift to a first-party data ecosystem. These are massive challenges, and businesses can count on Amperity to innovate with them,” said Chris Jones, Chief Product Officer.

Highlighted new capabilities open up new personalization use cases and ecosystem interoperability, powerful analytics and identity capabilities, and dozens of new self-service data management capabilities:

1. More omni-channel personalization use cases & channels

  • Upgraded connectivity to Google, Facebook, Salesforce Marketing Cloud, and Snowflake, as well as over 120+ additional new connectors across popular channels and personalization systems, including Adobe Experience Cloud, Oracle Responsys, Azure, AWS, Attentive. Find the full list here.

  • New joint solutions with:

    • Customer support provider Zendesk

    • AI-content generation and decisioning platform Persado

    • Multi-channel customer engagement platform Braze

    • Digital experimentation platform Optimizely

  • New multi-step campaigns and triggers based on customer transactions, behaviors, and campaign activities

  • Lightning-fast segment insights with new visual segmentation tools and dashboards

2. More powerful analytics & identity capabilities

  • Even more privacy-compliant anonymous identity capabilities to expand and manage audiences with no third-party cookie reliance

  • A new Amperity-managed data warehouse that allows limitless creativity across popular BI tools such as Tableau and Looker

  • Workflow and auto-data labeling enhancements to make the Customer 360 even more turnkey for analysts and data administrators

3. Increased self-service & improved usability

  • Upgraded sandboxes to make it even easier to test and iterate outside of production

  • Even more ways to ingest data, up to real-time streaming (Parquet, Avro, streaming JSON, XML), with additional data normalization and auto-formatting, plus labeling for rapid unification onto the Customer 360

  • Even simpler drag and drop omni-channel orchestration for point and click data sync across hundreds of systems with no code required

  • Added 190 data source integrations that enable data to be brought in from the majority of systems where customer data is collected or stored

These added features are available to all Amperity clients today. Meanwhile, we’re already hard at work on the next round of features to help brands make even better use of data to serve their customers.

To schedule a demo and to learn more about how Amperity CDP can transform your business, get in touch.