Featured blog

Making Gen AI work for marketing starts with another kind of AI

AI-powered processes under the hood level-up the output of Generative AI and fuel sophisticated marketing strategy.

A splitscreen image with marketers planning strategy on the left side and a shopper engaging with a tablet on the right side. The line splitting the image is a purple AI sparkle (actually Amperity's version, the lightning sparkle or "larkle"), indicating that AI is the mediating layer between brands and customers.


Jul 2

Brands Will Need to Adapt in the Era of AI Gatekeepers

When customers spend more time with AI assistants than with businesses, every direct brand interaction will count even more.

Three digital windows showing ad space ready to be used. The multiple windows point to the multiple ad networks and environments where brands can advertise.


Jun 13

Retail Media Networks Must Evolve Their Operations to Thrive

RMN winners will pursue better automation and scale to take full advantage of their first-party customer data assets.

Three icons representing composability, security, and minimizing complexity, against a backdrop with large font type reading ZERO COPY


Jun 13

What (really) is Zero Copy?

This often-heard term in the customer data space can refer to composability, security, or minimizing complexity — and ideally all three.

A vibrant neon motorboat speeds through the data waves beside a Data Lakehouse, symbolizing upbeat momentum for the Lakehouse space.


Jun 4

Another Market Shift Toward the Lakehouse CDP

Snowflake is the latest data platform moving toward Lakehouse architecture and open data-sharing formats.

The stage at Amplify, Amperity's annual summit. In the foreground, someone in the audience is taking a photograph or video of what's happening on stage, because they are so engaged.


May 28

Amplify 2024 Recap: AI, Paid Media, and the Lakehouse CDP

A day of conversation and inspiration around the future of customer data.

A superhero with a database for a head and an Amperity logo on his chest stands proudly and mightily in front of the frame. on his database is a circular icon that represents open sharing in a Data Lakehouse. Peeking out from behind him are two other superhero types, but scrawnier and less heroic, also with database heads. One represents Packaged CDPs, and the other represents Composable CDPs.


May 16

The Third Era of the CDP is Here

Data sharing between a CDP and a Data Lakehouse combines the best aspects of Packaged CDPs and Composable CDPs without any of the drawbacks.

An image of the Amperity Lakehouse CDP user interface showing someone setting up a Bridge connection to share data between the CDP and the lakehouse.


May 16

The Lakehouse CDP: Data Quality and Governance Without the Silos

Now users can easily share customer data among tools and platforms without having to copy data or build and manage connections.

A data lakehouse, depicted with a warehouse on the shore of a lake. There is an innertube with a cocktail in the lake to suggest the easier life that awaits lakehouse users.


May 7

Why Open Sharing in the Lakehouse is the Future of Customer Data

Lakehouse data sharing capabilities make it easy to maintain customer data quality and governance across the stack.

Woman looking frustrated, surrounded by red icons indicating problems like a clock for slowness, a dollar sign for cost, and a warning triangle for malfunction.


Apr 2

3 Headaches of Advertising Through Onboarders (And How to Fix Them)

Switching to direct activation to ad environments makes paid media faster, less expensive, and more effective.

Amperity logo on a multicolored blurred background.


Mar 29

Pay Equity, Inclusivity, and Belonging: Amperity's Comprehensive Approach

With Women's History Month coming to a close, it's the perfect time to reflect on how Amperity is prioritizing pay equity across our entire company.


Mar 19

Practical Steps to Getting Started with Gen AI for Marketing

A small-scale start now is better than an ambitious plan later.


Mar 6

AmpAi: Four Ways AI Unlocks Value

AI capabilities that solve the challenges of data access and data quality.